Compass Stereotactic Frame
The COMPASS(tm) Commander Series is engineered to provide the discriminating neurosurgeon with the same capabilities offered within the Commander Plus+, all in a smaller, lower-cost package. With this unique system, your hospital or clinic can begin with CT point-in-space and volumetric technology and add multi-modality capabilities as your case load increases.
Packaged in an ergonomically designed mobile stand, the Commander provides unparalleled mobility. Networking provides seamless data transfer among radiology, the Commander workstation and the operating room. You can even add an office workstation to view and plan your procedures in the more relaxed atmosphere of your office or home.
As with all COMPASS products, your system is professionally installed and in-serviced to assure your complete satisfaction.
Uniquely qualified to handle the demands of the most discriminating neurosurgeon or neurosurgical department, it seamlessly networks radiology to the treatment planning console and to the operating room. Using volumetric technology, the surgeon now can more easily identify a lesion as a three-dimensional shape, and plan a safe surgical approach with pre-operative simulations.
The Commander provides various software modules to customize workable programs for the individual surgeon. Modules such as brain atlas, pallidotomy and thalamotomy packages compliment the standard Commander software which features planning for:
- Volumetric tumor resection
- Serial tumor biopsy
- Third ventriculostomy
- Intracranial catheter placement
- Depth eletrode implantation
- Cingulotomy
- Mesensephalotom
- Intercavitary irradiation
- Cyst aspiration
- Fenstration of septum pelucidum
- Colloid cyst removal
- Ommaya reservoir placement
- Thalamotomy
- Pallidotomy
All COMPASS IGS Systems should only be used by trained physicians who have been trained on the systems operations.
Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.